DMX Mega Break out PCB

Why Bother?

When prototyping new DMX controllers a lot of the time is spent wiring up similar connections all the time, like the USART for RS-485 driver and an ISP connector, to program the uC.  This is where my DMX Mega B/O board came to light.  I virtually got 25 of these for nothing.  One of the PCB suppliers offered 25 PCBs, up 100 sq cm for a fixed price.  By tagging them on to a production board, I was able to maximise the allocated area.

DMX Mega Break out module

DMX & AVR Mega88 breakout module

I choose to use completely leaded devices for the DMX Mega Breakout board so the components can be reused.
Basic Specification of DMX Mega B/O:

  • Uses AVR ATMega 48, 88,168
  • On-board DMX interface
  • By directional DMX ( essential for RDM)
  • On-board Ceramic resonator
  • On-board ISP connector
  • All unused I/F ports are available as individual pins including SCK, MISO and MOSI.

So how does it perform?

Other than stuffing the pin out for the ISP, so far it works well.  This minor stuff up is easily fixed with a custom ISP cable.

So if you don’t mind wiring a custom cable PCBs will be available from my Webstore shortly.  The next run will not have this problem.

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